Ex wife downloads Child Porn Images to Frame Husband


August 21, 2014 –  INDIANA, Pa. (AP) – A western Pennsylvania woman faces up to nine years in prison for downloading child pornography in an attempt to frame her estranged husband. An Indiana County jury on Wednesday convicted 43-year-old Meri Jane Woods, of Clymer. District Attorney Patrick Dougherty says Woods downloaded 40 images to the family computer and took it to the state police last August, then blamed Matthew Woods for the material.

according to US media reports the case is from November 2013. The wife made the report to the police AFTER she obtained a protection order for ABUSE. Police soon realized that upon examination, the images had time stamps AFTER the husband had left the house. She was charged. During the court proceedings her lawyer argued that “time stamps were not reliable” . She will be sentenced in December 2014.

J4DK would like to know if you have ever experienced something even remotely like this – for example planting evidence on your computer. If this case was in Trinidad how do you think the justice system would perform – so I’m adding a poll  here. How many times do you even think this type of thing happens and the perp either doesn’t get caught or some body decides to cut the “poor woman some slack”?

Please participate.

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