Feminist Activist to Chair Equal Opportunity Commission

2aspire copyTo place a radical feminist like Lynette Seebaran Suite in charge of Equal Opportunity Commission is like putting the Fox in charge of the henhouse. Social norms today dictate that that all emphasis be placed on women’s rights and the rights of girls. Those who repeat the falsehood that “men have all the rights already” have never seen the tragedy that occurs everyday in family court where lawyers, magistrates and family court workers collude with mothers to exclude fathers from seeing their own children. They allow women to use the family court as a House of Vengeance where the states apparatus and courts are used to serve up a cold cup of revenge on her ex. They have no consideration that fathers play a significant role in the development of children – probably more than the mother does, and that denying a child his/her father, is not only against a basic human right, it is outright child abuse. Let’s get something very clear – Feminism is not about equality – at least modern feminism.

According to Huffington Post only 20% of Americans – only 23% of women (16% of men) identify as ‘feminists’ while 8% considers themselves as anti-feminists. However when asked if they “believe that men and women should be social, political, and economic equals”, 82% agreed. In 2012 the UK Parenting website Netmums, conducted a poll and found only one in 7 women describe herself as a ‘feminist’. One third viewed radical feminism as ‘too aggressive’ towards men and 25% thought that it had a negative implication. The last few months have seen the rise of the #WomenAgainstFeminsm hashtag popularity on Twitter, with women holding up hand written notes declaring why they are against feminism. The situation is more obvious when we consider the women that are under 25 years.

These developments have irked radical feminists. Society no longer views or equates feminism with equality no matter how hard they try to assert that it is. This has also given rise to the Men’s Rights Movement – that seeks to bring a balance to equality. According equality activist and supporter of the Men’s Rights Movement Janet Bloomfield, men are discriminated against in these key areas:

  1. The right to genital integrity.
  2. The right to vote without agreeing to die (in wars).
  3. The right to choose parenthood.
  4. The right to be assumed better caregivers for children.
  5. The right to call unwanted, coerced sex, rape.

This is only a partial list but in Trinidad #2 and #5 are not as relevant as in the US. But men in Trinidad & Tobago have the same issues to deal with in the other areas and more so than in the US where there is more respect for individual rights. I could add that men are always assumed to be the aggressor for ANY domestic dispute. However these topics will be discussed in another post.

In Trinidad & Tobago, where are women discriminated against unfairly? Not in family court, not in making a police report about domestic violence, Not in schools, Not in social programs, Not as a mother, Where then? If they are in places of employment there are laws and advocacy groups that help them. And don’t believe that wage gap hype. Where it is claimed that women make less for the same work? In most of the western world where this claim is made – it’s been proven false, when job experience, education, life choices and hours worked are taken into consideration. As a matter of fact throughout the western world and including Trinidad and Tobago – corporations are eager to show that they have women in management. Women are often given preference even when they are not the best qualified because it’s the politically correct thing to do.
In Trinidad and Tobago – society is only interested in men to act as ATM’s. ATM’s for the mother. Women predominantly view men’s income as a primary source of attraction – they admit that over and over. In family courts significant sums are ordered for Child Support. But that sum goes to the mother for her to do what ever she pleases. Where on earth do you get income from another source for a specific purpose and you don’t have to account for it? I have not seen it – could it be that Child support is purely income for the mother?

Let’s clear another misconception – agreement to have sex is not agreement to become a parent. Men do not have the right to choose to become a parent. All the rights are bestowed on women from conception, to abortion, to giving up the baby after its born for adoption. ALL without the fathers having a say. The only rights fathers have is to “pay up”. Most fathers don’t know that children are viewed as property of the mother. You only get to pretend it’s yours (legally) if and when she says so. It’s well accepted that many women deliberately get pregnant without letting their partners know – either because they want the man to stick around or they do it for money. The latter is the case if the man happens to be a celebrity or a sporting personality. Multiple surveys done on women’s’ attitudes toward conception and toward their partners about who is the biological father of their child – about half of the women say they will lie about the true father if she desires the relationship. One in 4 women will get pregnant when they know their partners don’t want to become a father. Popular Talk show host Wendy Williams in the US told a woman to sabotage her birth control in order the get pregnant when her husband did not want another child. As it stands most western women don’t think you have the right to know who the biological father of ‘your’ child is, and you must pay child support. Most laws support this injustice.

Rape and sexual abuse Laws in Trinidad and Tobago exclude crimes committed against men and boys. They assume that if someone has sex with a man he must consent (the erection theory). The laws clearly center on forcible sexual relation where the man is the aggressor, so legally forcible sex on a man is not considered rape. Additionally, statistics and records on sexual abuse against men and boys are ignored. In most of Western countries if a woman have nonconsensual sex with a child and she later gets pregnant – that child will be responsible for paying child support. If the gender roles were reversed she could easily have an abortion.

There are many issues like these which affect men. Unfortunately, feminism have become a problem. Feminists and feminists men tell men who raise these matters – that they need to “man up” or “take it like a man”. When the victim is a woman we must drop everything and “see what we can do for this poor woman”. Women get to be treated like a child, often irresponsible for her actions and for herself. Men get to “man up”. This is sexism and inequality at its finest, and it is supported by feminism. Don’t believe that nonsensical pseudo ideology that “it’s the patriarchy”. Feminism is not about equality, it is about getting the best advantage for women even at the oppression of anyone else who gets in the way. The worst part about this is that men face this discrimination from other men who declare that they are for feminism. They are the enablers of these injustices. They are in many strategic areas in society and work with feminists to oppress disadvantaged men. On the other side there are many women like those #WomenAgainstFeminism that support equal rights for everyone. That’s fair. They will tell you they are egalitarians not feminists. Men need to stand up for their rights.

Do you think Lynette Seebaran Suite and her radical feminism – trumpeting the rights of Women and Girls – do you think she is suited for a role in Equal Opportunity Commission? Or will she be sexist like most feminists are? Please take part in the poll.


  1. http://www.newsday.co.tt/news/0,199679.html
  2. http://www.trinidadexpress.com/news/Seebaran-Suite-sworn-in-as-EOC-chairman-273117511.html
  3. https://www.facebook.com/WomenAgainstFeminism?fref=nf
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/feminism-poll_n_3094917.html
  5. http://thoughtcatalog.com/janet-bloomfield/2014/08/5-legal-rights-women-have-that-men-dont/
  6. http://jezebel.com/wendy-williams-says-its-okay-to-trick-a-man-into-gettin-1567980067